

輸入兩個 32-bit 正整數,輸出其最小公倍數。


TITLE fe1.asm
include Irvine32.inc

    prompt1 BYTE "Enter the first number: ", 0
    prompt2 BYTE "Enter the second number: ", 0
    result BYTE  "The least common multiple is: ", 0
    newline BYTE 10, 0

    num1 DWORD ?
    num2 DWORD ?

main PROC
    ; Print prompt for first number
    mov edx, OFFSET prompt1
    call WriteString

    ; Read first number from user
    call ReadInt
    mov num1, eax

    ; Print prompt for second number
    mov edx, OFFSET prompt2
    call WriteString

    ; Read second number from user
    call ReadInt
    mov num2, eax

    ; Find the greatest common divisor (GCD)
    mov eax, num1
    mov ebx, num2

    call gcd

    ; Calculate the least common multiple (LCM)
    mov ecx, eax
    mov eax, num1
    mov ebx, num2
    mul ebx
    div ecx

    ; Print the result
    mov edx, OFFSET result
    call WriteString
    call WriteInt

    ; Print a newline
    mov edx, OFFSET newline
    call WriteString

    call Crlf

    ; Exit the program
main ENDP

gcd PROC
    ; Euclidean algorithm to find the GCD
    cmp eax, ebx
    jz done
    jb swap
    sub eax, ebx
    jmp gcd

    xchg eax, ebx
    jmp gcd

gcd ENDP

END main






TITLE fe2.asm
include Irvine32.inc

    prompt BYTE "Please type data in format (yyyy/mm/dd): ", 0
    weekday BYTE "The day is ", 0
    newline BYTE 10, 0
    inputDate BYTE 11 DUP(?)     ; 存儲輸入的日期字串
    weeks   BYTE "Sunday   ", 0
	    BYTE "Monday   ", 0
	    BYTE "Tuesday  ", 0
	    BYTE "Wednesday", 0
	    BYTE "Thursday ", 0
	    BYTE "Friday   ", 0
	    BYTE "Saturday ", 0
    offsetValue DWORD 10

main PROC
    ; Print prompt for date
    mov edx, OFFSET prompt
    call WriteString

    ; Read date from user
    mov ecx, 11        ; Buffer size (including null terminator)
    mov edx, OFFSET inputDate
    call ReadString

    ; Extract year, month, and day
    mov esi, OFFSET inputDate     ; Offset of the input date string
    call ParseDate

    ; Adjust month and year for Zeller's congruence
    sub ebx, 3
    jz adjust_year
    sub ebx, 12
    inc eax

    cmp ebx, 0
    jl adjust_year

    ; Calculate Zeller's congruence
    mov edx, eax
    mov eax, 1
    mov ecx, ebx
    mov ebx, 2
    mov esi, 20
    call ZellersCongruence

    ; Map the weekday to its corresponding name
    mov edx, OFFSET weekday
    cmp eax, 0
    je sunday
    cmp eax, 1
    je monday
    cmp eax, 2
    je tuesday
    cmp eax, 3
    je wednesday
    cmp eax, 4
    je thursday
    cmp eax, 5
    je friday
    cmp eax, 6
    je saturday

    mov ebx, 0
    jmp print_weekday

    mov ebx, 1
    jmp print_weekday

    mov ebx, 2
    jmp print_weekday

    mov ebx, 3
    jmp print_weekday

    mov ebx, 4
    jmp print_weekday

    mov ebx, 5
    jmp print_weekday

    mov ebx, 6

    mov edx, OFFSET weekday
    call WriteString

    ; Print the weekday
    mov esi, OFFSET weeks
    mov eax, offsetValue
    mul ebx
    add esi, eax
    mov edx, esi
    call WriteString

    ; Print a newline
    mov edx, OFFSET newline

    call WriteString
main ENDP

ParseDate PROC
    ; Parses the input date string in the format "yyyy/mm/dd"
    ; Input: esi = offset of the input string
    ; Output: eax = year, ebx = month, ecx = day

    movzx eax, byte ptr [esi]     ; Extract the first digit of the year (thousands place)
    imul eax, eax, 1000
    inc esi

    movzx ebx, byte ptr [esi]     ; Extract the second digit of the year (hundreds place)
    imul ebx, ebx, 100
    inc esi

    movzx edx, byte ptr [esi]     ; Extract the third digit of the year (tens place)
    imul edx, edx, 10
    inc esi

    movzx ecx, byte ptr [esi]     ; Extract the fourth digit of the year (ones place)
    add eax, ebx                  ; Combine all four digits to form the year

    add eax, edx                  ; Combine the tens and ones place of the month
    inc esi

    movzx ebx, byte ptr [esi]     ; Extract the hundreds place of the month
    imul ebx, ebx, 10
    inc esi

    movzx edx, byte ptr [esi]     ; Extract the ones place of the month
    add eax, ebx                  ; Combine the hundreds and tens place to form the month
    add eax, edx                  ; Combine all digits to form the month

    add esi, 2                    ; Skip the slash (/)

    movzx ebx, byte ptr [esi]     ; Extract the tens place of the day
    imul ebx, ebx, 10
    inc esi

    movzx edx, byte ptr [esi]     ; Extract the ones place of the day
    add ecx, ebx                  ; Combine the tens and ones place to form the day
    add ecx, edx                  ; Combine all digits to form the day

ParseDate ENDP

ZellersCongruence PROC
    ; Zeller's Congruence algorithm to calculate the weekday
    ; Inputs: eax = day of the month (1-31), ebx = adjusted month (1-12), ecx = adjusted year, esi = century value (e.g., 20 for 2020)
    ; Outputs: eax = weekday (0-6, 0 = Saturday, 1 = Sunday, ..., 6 = Friday)
    mov edx, eax
    mov eax, ecx
    mov ecx, ebx

    ; Zeller's Congruence formula: h = (q + (13*(m+1))/5 + K + K/4 + J/4 - 2*J) mod 7
    mov edx, 13
    mul ecx                     ; edx:eax = ecx * 13
    add eax, edx                ; eax = eax + edx = ecx * 13 + edx
    add eax, esi                ; eax = eax + esi = ecx * 13 + edx + esi
    add eax, ecx                ; eax = eax + ecx = ecx * 13 + edx + esi + ecx
    shr eax, 2                  ; eax = eax / 4 = (ecx * 13 + edx + esi + ecx) / 4
    add eax, edx                ; eax = eax + edx = (ecx * 13 + edx + esi + ecx) / 4 + edx
    shr eax, 2                  ; eax = eax / 4 = (ecx * 13 + edx + esi + ecx) / 4 + edx / 4
    sub eax, edx                ; eax = eax - edx = (ecx * 13 + edx + esi + ecx) / 4 + edx / 4 - edx
    add eax, ecx                ; eax = eax + ecx = (ecx * 13 + edx + esi + ecx) / 4 + edx / 4 - edx + ecx
    and eax, 7                  ; eax = eax % 7 = (ecx * 13 + edx + esi + ecx) / 4 + edx / 4 - edx + ecx % 7

ZellersCongruence ENDP

END main






TITLE fe3.asm
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc

prompt BYTE "Please type an integer:", 0
output BYTE "Primes smaller than input:", 0
newline BYTE 0DH, 0AH, 0
input  DWORD ?
temp   DWORD ?

main PROC
    mov edx, OFFSET prompt
    call WriteString        ; 印出提示訊息

    call ReadInt
    mov input, eax
    mov ebx, input

    mov ecx, input            ; 將輸入的整數儲存到 ecx 寄存器
    mov eax, 2              ; eax = 2 (第一個質數)

    cmp ecx, eax            ; 比較輸入的整數與 2 的大小
    jle done                ; 如果輸入的整數小於或等於 2,則直接跳出程式

    mov edx, OFFSET output
    call WriteString        ; 印出 "質數:" 字串

    mov temp, 0
        call WriteInt       ; 印出質數

        inc eax             ; 目前的質數加 1
        mov temp, eax
        cmp eax, input        ; 比較目前的質數與輸入的整數的大小
        jg done             ; 如果目前的質數大於輸入的整數,則跳出迴圈

        mov ebx, 2      ; ebx = 2 (除數)
            mov edx, 0      ; edx = 0 (除數是否整除的標誌)

            div ebx     ; eax / ebx,商存在 eax,餘數存在 edx
            mov eax, temp
            cmp edx, 0  ; 判斷是否整除
            je next_number ; 如果整除,則不是質數

            inc ebx     ; 除數加 1
            cmp ebx, eax; 比較除數與目前的質數的大小
            je print_loop ; 如果除數大於目前的質數,則目前的質數是質數

            jmp is_prime ; 目前的質數不是質數,繼續找下一個

        call Crlf          ; 換行
main ENDP
END main




寫一個計算機,可以計算輸入運算式結果,支援 + - * / ( ),如 2+4-6*2 = -6。




修改 TSR 的 Clock2.asm 或 Clock3.asm 不出現時間 改出現 NCYUCSIE 開始由 N 出現後出現 C 再來出現 Y 一個字母一個字母出現 到 E 後又從 N 開始。


